The way she touches me is unbelievable. I could not possibly describe the way she makes me feel sufficiently to convey what it means. I will not be able to look at her while she fucks me, only feel her. She makes a fist in my hair and wrenches me back like she’s using a leash. It works so well that she doesn’t ever need to put one on my collar.Next she’ll start retracting the device from me, and she’ll do it very, very slowly. The ache it leaves behind in me will be the perfect blend of dull, sharp, constant and pulsing. An ache that will be angry at what caused it, but at once it will desire more. Of course, that wish will be granted as she returns her cock to me just where she wants it. She will push the toy into me faster this time, but more smoothly.Everything she will do to me is going to feel amazing. I will be sore for days, just like she wants it. Just like I want it. What she will do next will stir the coals of a powerful flame that lives within me, but belongs to her. She’ll. Anthony was the first out of the hatch, stepping onto the now extended stairway, pistol in hand. After the recycled air of the past months, the cool fresh air was a shock. He paused, taking in a ragged breath. And another. It felt like spring. Early spring. Chuck moved past him, holding a rifle, repeating the ritual Anthony had started. The two men looked out across the valley. A wide path, paved with irregular, colored smooth stones, extended from the end of the spaceport, running due north. It ended, abruptly, at the start of the brown circle. It was definitely dirt, or clay, and not natural. Not quite a perfect circle, with various half circles extending out here and there, nor was the ground of uniform depth. Remembering their first explorations of the exterior of the store that stormy night, it seemed whatever had happened here had followed the same pattern, taking everything attached to the main structure plus some extra.Moving as if in a daze, Sarah stepped out between them..
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