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I'm here to make sure that Santa does his job and that he doesn'ttake it easy on ya. I was hired to do a job, and I plan on doing it."Alexandra shivered. She didn't know if Beth was just trying to scare her, butit was certainly working."Now, seeing as Santa's a man of few words, he will be carrying a cane,and he'll use it to point to an article of your clothing. You will then takeit off -- and no crying, no complaining. Clear?"Alexandra could only nod in disbelief."Is that clear?" Beth hissed."Yes," Alexandra moaned, and then, reading the woman's look, she added, "Yes,Ma'am." Good, and just so you know -- it's ALL coming off.... We are going to beusing the policies for new jailbirds entering my prison, set in place by MY boss.And, honestly, I'm going to enjoy it, 'cause if there is one thing I can't stand,it's a lousy shyster -- especially a defense attorney." Oh great!" Alexandra groaned to herself."Are you ready to start? We have a lot of anxious faces on the other sideof the glass. We checked in and there we were inside our hotel room. We ordered dinner and till de time we became easy with eachother. I asked her that as i was coming from office so i dont have any nightwear so will sleep in innerwears only on which she didnt mind anything. She went inside the washroom and got her cloths changed. I was stunned to see her wearing a nighty which was above her thighs, yes i could literally see her panty which has some flower designed on it. I was all out of mind and i jumped into bed. She came and relaxed her head on my shoulder and we started watching TV. As it was our first meeting and i was not expecting this much in a 1st meeting i was worried for making a 1st move. But in only 10-15 i kissed her cheeks on which smiled which was a green signal for the memorable night of alltime.I hugged her in arms and my prick was already ON. She rolled her hand over my chest n we kissed eachother. Then i kissed her earlobes and her hand reached my underpants. She held my dick.
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