Welp. I have wharf rats to kill." Good hunting. I buy pelts, if they are in good condition. A coppereach. And skulls! Two coppers. Two silvers, though for each intact ratvagina." Fookin' creeper. I'm not bringing you detached rat cunts." Three silvers, then. A silver each for dick and balls. As a set. It'sfor the tentacle monster. Keeps him from bothering the neighbors." Never too many rat cunts. How 'bout I just bring you the whole gang-fucking rat?" One silver per carcass. Five-kilogram minimum size. Gutted, twosilvers. Three kilograms, minimum."Cookie eyed him narrowly. "But if I detach the fun bits ... skullsand dicks and whatnot...." You carry less and you earn more. Or. Sell the rats at the market fora copper per kilogram. Then they sell me the parts I need." My skinner skill is fair but my butchery skill is corked." Only one way to improve a skill. Unless you use magic." He smiled. Itunnerved Cookie to see his toothless grin."I'm going to need a bag. Don't want to get blood. “I need you fed so you can keep alert. Get some sleep and be back here by dark. You report to me each morning when the sun is above the river if they don’t come. I want to know the minute they cross the middle of the river. Deal?”“Who is ya?” the girl asked.“I’m Princess Keven the new boss. This is my Duchy, and I plan to make things better for my people. Who are you three?”“I’m Pip, this is Pod, and he is Peas,” she said. Keven raised her eyebrows at the names, and their grins made her giggle.“We is in. What are you going to do to them bastards?” Pip said with glee.Keven gave an evil chuckle that made them shiver, but not in fear for themselves. “You catch ‘em, and I’ll blast ‘em,” she said.They glanced across the river, then back at Keven and chuckled. Pip put out her hand, and they shook. Keven watched them run off to find some food to buy. She knew they would turn up and watch the river for her. She had also felt something odd about the girl but couldn’t decide what it was.She.
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