
I yanked the vibrator out of her hands and told her, Not so fast, you dont cum until I tell you to. She looked like she wanted to scream. I reached past her and turned on the shower, then pulled out my cell phone and called her best friend Lisa, the maid of honor in the next room. Lisa, hey! Its just after 6, can you get the girls up and go get Serena, you guys have a surprise breakfast at 6:30 tell her I love her! I hung up and smiled at my bride to be, That way you dont have time to masturbate! Better get dressed she has a spare key to your room and you dont want her to know you have that up your ass! Oh and by the way, no panties under your wedding dress, or Im canceling Cancun! The wedding was a beautiful event, Im pretty sure if anyone noticed Serena was walking like she had something up her ass they just thought it was the shoes. I still had one more surprise for her, she didnt know the butt plug had a wireless remote that caused it to vibrate. You shouldve seen her jump when I. “Claire, honey, that was just a down-payment. You told me you wanted me to help you experiment. And that’s what we’re going to do tonight. With your loving husband here with you, so you can relax, Hannah and me are going to make love to you like never before. When my cock’s shot its bolt and I need a break, then Hannah’s going to make love to you as only another woman can. And then, when she needs a break, I’ll be ready to go again and give you more.”Claire looked like a deer caught in the headlights, but she didn’t argue or resist. And for the next couple of hours, Jason was as good as his word. Between him and his ex-wife Hannah, they must have brought Claire to a dozen orgasms or more. Some from his huge cock, other from the attentions of Hannah and her womanly ways. After Jason shot his third load deep into my squealing and sobbing wife, Jason and Hannah looked at each other. They could see Claire was totally spent. Jason gave Claire a final kiss. “Claire honey, I think that’s.
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