
’ Mom beamed at me, a fairly rare event, since I was accepting and helpful. I figured there was no point in making this worse than it had to be. It wasn’t like I was in love with my Mom or anything. We weren’t even all that close. I suppose you could say that we got along, and leave it at that. It never even occurred to me that the trouble would be over the bathroom. Over the course of the week, Mom got some of her stuff packed up and put away or given away, to make room for Norm. I helped. No other way to deal with it, really. ‘Mom, what happened to Norm’s wife, Clarissa’s mother? Did they get divorced, too?’ ‘Yes, dear, they were divorced about eleven years ago, almost the same time as your father and I. Clarissa was with her mom for a couple of years, I think. Norm won’t talk about why that changed. Norm’s still pretty sensitive about her, and I think Clarissa is, too. It’s one reason we’ve been so tentative about getting together. I love Norm, and I’m pretty sure he loves me, but. I am envisaging a rocker connection, where the rocker will lift and disconnect from the first cable as the other side of the rocker connects to the new cable, and locks in place. I think that should work."George, if your other ideas are as good as this one, I am very much looking forward to you joining us tomorrow. Goodbye for now."John was tired by the time he got home that day, He walked slowly along the path to his front door, and opened the door, glad that no-one had left the security latch on. He stepped in, and hung up his topcoat on the coat hook.A face looked out of the livingroom, to see who it was. Penny's face lit up, and she rushed to John."John! Thanks for your help with the college." She grabbed him and slapped a passionate kiss on his lips. "You are a darling man." She dragged him towards the livingroom. "Come and see what Tabs has been up to."She had been making cinder toffee, to display the effects of bicarbonate of soda. This involved granulated sugar, liquid.
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